Monday, October 17, 2011

neighbourhood sites

Here are some neighbourhood sites for us this week. The roasted pig is a business of the neighbour be hide us.

 The girl is playing with her pet frog.

The harvest is coming home. One family unloads part of their harvest. More pix at


This Saturday we revisited Aliaga. We passing out tracts at the open market.  We also have a bible studies in three different homes. It is harvest time here. The roads are more dangerous for us to drive on. The farmers cover spots in the road to dry the rice. Some farmers lay big tree limbs in the road or other objects to block you from their rice drying. So we are weaving in and out of traffic. It is exciting for Zech. He loves seeing the kalabaw (the water buffalo) pulling the carts. We had a good welcome with the people in Aliaga. We are still looking for a place to rent. Please pray that we find one soon.